Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Putien 莆田

Saturday dine-in 

Putien is a brand name traces from one of the city in China, Putian where they serve Chinese cuisine in Fujian style. 

I have been here for a few times. Before deciding to review it to you guys, I have tried out a few popular dishes, so that I could recommend some of these really delicious dishes for you. 

There you go!

Putien Lor Mee

I have been here for three times. This is the one that I have ordered for three times during each of my visit. The soup tastes really light and plain. Lor Mee is really soft and easy to swallow and most importantly, it does not have that alkaline taste. (If you know what I mean, 鹼水味 ) It is cooked with seafoods (e.g. shellfish, prawn etc) and vegetables (e.g. celery etc) which added a hint of freshness and healthiness to the meal. The soup is not too oily and for girls, if you are on diet, I bet it's the best dish that you could choose to watch out for calorie. You may order one bowl and it is sufficient to be shared by two persons. It is best when you order other ala carte dishes to pair with it. No way to resist this!

Fried Heng Hwa Bee Hoon 

My first time trying this. If you prefer something easy and dry, this is the one for you. The bee hoon is very soft, smooth and fine to chew. It is infused with a variety of ingredients, such as prawns, (as you can see, the size of the prawn is not tiny at all) mushrooms, vegetables, tou fu slices, clamps, pork and etc. It is not greasy at all and also suitable for kids and elderly to eat.

Crispy Pork Ribs with Water Chestnuts

I do not know how to describe this, but this is definitely one of the best pork ribs that I've ever ate in town. The pork ribs are so soft, so easy to chew and yet so crispy. It is cooked with sweet and sour sauce and some crunchy chestnuts. It tastes amazingly delicious even at my first bite. It was my second time to order this because I was really craving for this taste of pork ribs. Must try!

I had also tried a few dishes prior to this but because I forgot to take camera with me, so I did not get to capture pictures. Here are the adopted images from other site. (Will update pictures again if I order the same foods next time =))

Shredded meat with  Bun 

I tried this during my first visit as it is recommended by one of their friendly staffs. The shredded pork is cooked with sweet onions and it is wrapped with golden brown sesame bun. To me, it's like a chinese "tacos". They also provide you a plastic glove for hygiene sake.

Cabbage Fried Rice

I am a typical Asian. I need rice to keep me going in my everyday life. It is simple, plain, non-greasy and infused with all kinds of fresh ingredients. You should try this out if you love to eat fried rice. Hmm. Will definitely come back for this, again.

Putien Sweet and Sour Pork with Lychee

Last but not least, I just want to express my overwhelming loves to the pork dishes that Putien made. They are just simply fantastic and make your craving deepened. The meat is extremely tender and the lychee is such a perfect complement to the dish which added a kind of natural sweetness to the pork. This is probably one of the best sweet and sour pork that I've ever tried at those restaurants in the mall! (I am drooling when I am writing this! T_T)

So far, they have only two branches in Kuala Lumpur, One Utama Shopping
Centre (old wing) and Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall.

I have only been to the outlet in Sunway Pyramid mall. The queue is usually very long after 7 pm. So please do come early for your dinner if you can't wait to try these out!

Bon appetit! Xoxo


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Cameron Delight- What to eat in Cameron Highland 金马伦吃吃吃!

作为一个典型的东方人,无论你身在金马伦还是在各个大城市里,你都想要找到好吃的炒菜。你知道吗?我真的很享受到处旅游和搜寻好吃的料理, 尤其是当你到达那个一直在跟着GPS导向航的路标,成功找到那个美食地点,那份满足感真是难以形容!




1. 第一家介绍——Restoran Tringkap 直能甲海鲜饭店

我知道许多人都会在附近Tanah Rata 和 Brinchang 找吃的, 因为都比较出名和热闹。

而这家店却处在比较偏僻的地方,属于非主流。这家餐馆在Tringkap, 距离Tanah Rata 大概 15 至20 分钟车程。路途会比较远,可是切记一样事情,这家餐馆在Tringkap town 里,要是GPS 还继续带你到Kampung Raja, 那你就是走错路了!(一定要回来 Tringkap,因为这家店是位于一些住宅区和店铺的附近,不在大马路旁边的!要转个弯才能看到!)

虽然距离有点远,可是我相信他们特别的菜色是不会令你失望的!(没去之前我可是非常担心我们找错地方了 =P)

他们家有几道有名的菜肴,那位亲切的老板娘介绍了我们几样招牌菜,其中包括了招牌非洲鱼, 龙须菜(用蒜头清炒、belacan 炒等都可以,随你口味)以及排骨王等。


这个是马来风光龙须菜。他们家的Belacan 炒与其它地方的味道有点不一样,吃起来不会很重口味和太辣, 适合一些不能吃辣可是又想吃辣味的朋友。(就像我一样 =P)嗯,他们家的龙须菜非常新鲜,都很清脆可口。喜欢蔬菜的不妨叫这道青菜试一试,老板娘说是金马伦出产的。你可以选择蒜头清炒,可是Belacan 算是他们的招牌炒。




顺便告诉你,这三道菜也只需大概 RM 45 而已!(包括白饭和茶水的价钱)


2. 第二家介绍之奢侈的下午茶 —— Jim Thompson Tea Room @ Cameron Highland Hotel, Tanah Rata

从很久以前我就想要试下喝下午茶的感觉,又名High Tea,终于有机会啦!(太感激了~ T_T)

金马伦有几间大饭店都有下午茶的服务。我就选择了这家 Jim Thompson Tea Room,而这家咖啡厅也是在 Cameron Highland Hotel 里面的。

下午茶的时间是每天 3 至 6 pm 的时段。他们有特定的套餐,你可以选择最适合你的份量。我只是选了一人的份量(RM 45 per person),因为我们只有两个人, 担心会吃不完。(而两人份的套餐却是RM 80 for two person )



茶的口味是芒果口味 (Mango tea),出乎意料的好喝。既不会酸,又不会涩。刚刚好,非常香!爱茶的你就不可以错过!不过,咖啡爱好者,别担心,你也可以选择咖啡。

最高层有糕点和点心。(Assortment of Cakes and Pastries)


虽然刚开始我心里也有 OS: 觉得如果很甜,真的都无法咽下去。谁知开始吃之后,都快停不下口了。(奸笑)

第二层是三明治。(Selection of smoked salmon, tuna, egg and cress cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches)口味包括了有三文鱼、金抢鱼和最原始口味的鸡蛋乳酪三明治。

最底层是金马伦草莓和香喷喷的烤饼。(Freshly baked scones, home-made strawberry jam and clotted cream)




3. 第三家介绍—— Ferm Nyonya Restaraunt, Tanah Rata(峰美娘惹中西餐厅)





清炒龙须菜—— 味道很清淡,蔬菜很新鲜,可是吃起来还是觉得在Tringkap吃的 Belacan 炒龙须菜会比较有味道! 我推荐如果把它换去Belacan/ 娘惹的煮法,应该会更香吧!





额外介绍:因为回家的路上还想再喝一次下午茶,所以走之前就到了 Cameron Valley Tea House,想说再享受一下金马伦清新的空气。

其实个人觉得它没什么特别,只是风景优美而已。许多人来这里都是为了欣赏风景,把整个绿油油的 Cameron Valley 茶园尽收眼底。咖啡店的旁边也有 Cameron Valley 出产的茶叶和礼品,喜欢他们家的茶,就可以到这里买回去给自己或当伴手礼都行。


蓝莓乳酪蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese cake):不会太甜,好吃!

桃子茶 (Peach Tea):太甜!非小女力爱。如果喜爱很甜口味的朋友,应该会适合你们吧!



Good bye and have a wonderful holiday! 

Peace~ ^_^

白夏天的日记   笔